
The Norseman Public Library is open from Monday to Friday 8:00am to 4:00pm.
Joining the Library is easy and FREE! All you need is your photo identification and a document showing your current address in Norseman.
The Library has access to all of the facilities of the Library & Information Service of WA (SLWA) and any inquiries should be made to the Library Officer.
There is also a range of donated books and dvds available which are free for the community to take.
Borrowing Details:
Single Membership
4 x books
2 x dvd's/video's
2 week hire
Family Membership
4 x books per person
2 x dvd's/video's per membership
2 week hire
BorrowBox enables public library members to browse and borrow best selling eAudiobooks and eBooks on their Apple or android device for limited periods through digital loans. Our Library Officer can help set you up with log-in details.
To access BorrowBox click this link
Zinio enables public library members to browse and borrow eMagazines.
To access Zinio click this link