2023 Local Government Elections

Local Government Elections
This year the Local Government Elections for the Shire of Dundas will be held on Saturday, 21 October 2023.
For postal elections – Election packages (ballots) will be sent out in late September.
For in-person elections – Vote in person on election day, vote early or apply for a postal vote from your local government.
Enrol by 25 August - You must be on the electoral roll by 5pm, Friday 25 August to vote in the 2023 local government elections.
Election changes for 2023
Optional preferential voting
In 2023, local government elections in WA will move to optional preferential voting. It is similar to how voting is done in State and Federal elections.
Under the optional preferential voting system, voters number candidates in the order of their preference. You don’t have to number all the boxes if you don’t want to.
You have the choice to –
- vote for one candidate - by putting a 1 next to their name
- vote for some candidates - by numbering several candidates in the order of your preference
- vote for all candidates - in the order of your preference
Learn more about preferential voting.
Direct election of mayor/president
For all larger councils, the mayor or president will be elected by the community (popularly elected) rather than by councillors.
Learn more about the election of mayors or presidents.
More information
Learn more about the changes on the Department of Local Government, sport and cultural Industries website.
The Shire of Dundas is holding an election by postal vote on Saturday, 21 October 2023 to fill vacancies in the offices of Councillors as listed below:
District 3 Councillors
BROWN, Sharon
WYATT, Veronica
McLEOD, Chantelle
WHITBY, Lynette
BONZA, Laurene
Election Packages will be sent to all electors on the local government electoral roll where there is an election in their electorate.
You may hand deliver your postal voting papers, or obtain a replacement package (if the package is not received, or should any papers be missing), during business hours before election day from the following location(s):
Shire of Dundas, 88-92 Prinsep Street, NORSEMAN
Post your vote early. Completed postal voting packages must reach the Returning Officer by 6.00pm on election day, Saturday, 21 October 2023.
You may hand deliver your postal voting papers, to an electoral officer, or obtain a replacement package (if the package is not received, or should any papers be missing), between 8:00am and 6:00pm on election day at the following location(s):
Chief Polling Place:
Shire of Dundas, 88-92 Prinsep Street, NORSEMAN
The count of votes will commence after 6.00pm at the Shire of Dundas Council Chambers, 88-92 Prinsep Street, NORSEMAN.
Electronic Counting Place
30 Beaufort Street, Northbridge may be used as an electronic counting place.
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End of notice
Official Notices
To view the official Close of Enrolments Notice, click here.

To view the office notice of results, will become available soon.
Media Release
Friday 18th August - Close of rolls