Momentous Years
1848 - Naming of Dundas Hills by JS Roe
1890 - Traces of alluvial gold found by Moir
1892 - Mawson and Kirkpatrick register "May Bell" Dundas
1894 - Dundas was main town in the area
1894 - Sinclair and Allsop register the "Norseman" lease and Ramsay, Talbot and Goodliffe register the "Mount Barker" lease. (Registered in Dundas)
1895 - "Princess Royal" was discovered
1896 - Norseman township proclaimed a municipality
1896 - Cobb & Co service to Coolgardie
1896 - "The Norseman Pioneer" newspaper was established
1897 - First offical school established (60 children)
1899 - No.1 Dam completed (limited water)
1901 - Township formed at Princess Royal
1906 - Cobb & Co service Coolgardie - Esperance
1909 - Railway reaches Norseman from Coolgardie

1913 - Telephone link-up with rest of WA
1926 - Butterfly Mining Co commenced operations
1929 - Railway from Norseman to Esperance
1932 - Phoenix Co takes over Mararoa Mine
1935 - Central Norseman Gold Corp established - CNGC
1936 - Water supply - Pipeline connection via Coolgardie
1937 - Electricity to township from CNGC Powerhouse
1953 - High School established
1954 - Swimming Pool Opened - Olympic length
1956 - Road to Coolgardie bituminised
1968 - Anaconda mining corporation at Redross
1971 - ABC TV transmits to Norseman
1974 - "The Dundas Miner" established
1975 - Primary School moved to new buildings at High School - NDHS
1981 - Commercial TV transmits to Norseman
1985 - "Norseman Today" established
1990 - Bronze statue of the horse "Norseman"

1992 - Dundas centenary celebrated
1993 - Bullen Decline opened - CNGC
1994 - Norseman celebrated its centenary
1995 - Central Norseman Gold Corp established the "Harlequin Decline"
1995 - Commonwealth Bank closed
1995 - Resolute Samantha established the "Chalice" mine
1998 - Anglican Church celebrated its centenary
1999 - Norseman Telecentre opened - Internet service provider connected
2000 - District High School administration block burnt down
2001 - Norseman District High School new administration block & manual arts centre opened
2002 - Croesus Mining took over from WMC
2004 - 110th Birthday Celebration
2004 - Opening of the new Shire Administration & Community Centre
2006 - Norseman Tourist Bureau achived Federal Accreditation & No.1 Visitor Centre Accreditation with major upgrade to building & signage
2007 - Davos Ltd took over the mining operation from Croesus
2008 - Norseman Volunteer Fire Brigade centenary celebration
2011 - Bronze statue of the horse "Norseman" turns 21
2014 - 120th Birthday Celebration
2024 - 130th Birthday Celebration