25/02/2025 |
Pania Turner (Deputy Chief Executive Officer) |
Ordinary Council Meeting |
Item 10.3.4 - Purchasing Policy Updates |
Impartiality - Limits Authority |
17/12/2024 |
Cr. J Maloney |
Ordinary Council Meeting |
Item 10.2.5 - Approval for use of the Common Seal for Withdrawal of Caveats |
Impartiality - family interest. |
17/12/2024 |
Peter Fitchat (Chief Executive Officer) |
Ordinary Council Meeting |
Item 10.2.6 - CEO Contract 2024 to 2026 |
Financial - this item is regarding my contract. |
19/11/2024 |
Pania Turner (Deputy Chief Executive Officer) |
Ordinary Council Meeting |
Item 10.2.6 - Off-road vehicles area grants program - 2024 to 2027 grant application |
Impartiality - my family members ride motocross bikes and may use a facility. |
19/11/2024 |
Peter Fitchat (Chief Executive Officer) |
Ordinary Council Meeting |
Item 10.2.5 - CEO Contract |
Financial - my contract time frame. |
22/10/2024 |
Pania Turner (Deputy Chief Executive Officer) |
Ordinary Council Meeting |
Item 10.2.10 - Firebreak Notice 2024-25 |
Impartiality - member of Norseman Volunteer Fire & Rescue Brigade |
27/08/2024 |
Peter Fitchat (Chief Executive Officer) |
Ordinary Council Meeting |
Item Item 10.2.1 - Accounts Paid 1/06/2024 – 30/06/2024 |
Financial - Bush Boogies Hives belongs to my partner Julie Curtin |
18/06/2024 |
Peter Fitchat (Chief Executive Officer) |
Ordinary Council Meeting |
Item 10.2.3 - Accounts Paid 1st - 31st March 2024 |
Financial - Bush Boogie Hives belongs to my partner Julie Curtin |
28/11/2023 |
Cr M Warner |
Ordinary Council Meeting |
Item 10.3.12 - Council Contribution to the Norseman District High School Book Awards 2023 |
Impartiality - I work at the School |
28/11/2023 |
Cr S Brown |
Ordinary Council Meeting |
Item 10.3.6 - Tree Removal Initiative for Ratepayers |
Impartiality - Member of men shed association the extend of my interest is - Prior discussion have been held with the mens shed |
28/11/2023 |
Pania Turner (Deputy Chief Executive Officer) |
Ordinary Council Meeting |
Item 12.1 - Late item - Late item |
Impartiality - Friend of the nominee & the extend of my interest is: impartiality - I am not required to participate |
22/08/2023 |
Pania Turner (Deputy Chief Executive Officer) |
Ordinary Council Meeting |
Item 10.4.2 & 10.4.3 - 10.4.2 - Deputy CEO Appointment
10.4.3 - Review of the Register of Delegations |
10.4.2 Financial - A direct financial benefit through employment advancement
10.4.3 Impartiality - The updated register refers to delegations to the DCEO position |
22/08/2023 |
Peter Fitchat (Chief Executive Officer) |
Ordinary Council Meeting |
Item 10.5.1 - CEO Performance Appraisal |
Financial - As part of my contract |
25/07/2023 |
Pania Turner (Deputy Chief Executive Officer) |
Ordinary Council Meeting |
Item 10.3.3 - Shire of Dundas Organisational Structure 2023 |
Financial - The change in organisational structure affects my current position |
18/04/2023 |
Cr JEP Hogan |
Ordinary Council Meeting |
Item 10.3.6 - Termination of Agreement Relating to the Provision of Medical Services |
Communities relationship |
02/03/2023 |
Cr JEP Hogan |
Ordinary Council Meeting |
Item 10.2.1 - Shire of Dundas Acquisition of the Norseman IGA and the Norseman Local Post Office and Service as a Commercial Undertaking |
Financial |
31/01/2023 |
Cr JEP Hogan |
Special Council Meeting |
Item 8.1 - Proposed New Reserve Account and Reserve Transfers |
Financial - Mail delivery & Mail pickup 5 days per week - Mail contractor |
31/01/2023 |
Cr VL Wyatt |
Special Council Meeting |
Item 8.1 - Proposed New Reserve Account and Reserve Transfers |
Financial - I rent a shop from IGA |
17/01/2023 |
Cr JEP Hogan |
Special Council Meeting |
Item 8.1 - Proposed New Reserve Account and Reserve Transfers |
Financial - Proposed New Reserve |
17/01/2023 |
Cr VL Wyatt |
Special Council Meeting |
Item 8.1 - Proposed New Reserve Account and Reserve Transfers |
Financial - I rent a premises of Ian |
20/12/2022 |
Cr J Maloney |
Ordinary Council Meeting |
Item 10.1.1 - Request To Amend the Development Approval (Db 05/2021) Granted forMining Workforce Accommodation Upon 128 Prinsep Street Norseman |
Indirect Financial - Work for RAMS - Builder |
20/12/2022 |
Cr JEP Hogan |
Ordinary Council Meeting |
Item 10.3.3 - Business Plan Requirements [s.3.59] for commercialor a major trading undertaking or major land transaction |
Financial - Sample Services - |
22/11/2022 |
Cr JEP Hogan |
Ordinary Council Meeting |
Item 10.4.1 - Confidential Item |
Financial |
22/11/2022 |
Cr VL Wyatt |
Ordinary Council Meeting |
Item 10.4.1 - Confidential Item |
Financial & Proximity - In talk with owner to buy the shop I rent. |
18/10/2022 |
Peter Fitchat (Chief Executive Officer) |
Ordinary Council Meeting |
Item 10.3.4 - Replacement of the CEO Vehicle |
FBT and private use of a Council Vehicle, Direct benefit as part of my contract. |
24/09/2022 |
Cr J Maloney |
Ordinary Council Meeting |
Item 10.1.2 - Application to Amend Development Approval(DB03/2021)
for Workforce Accommodation Norseman |
Financial |
24/09/2022 |
Cr AR Patupis |
Ordinary Council Meeting |
Item 10.1.3 - DPLHInvitation to Comment –Proposed WGEH Option to Lease Crown Land in The Eucla Region (DPLH Case No.2100210). |
Financial |
24/09/2022 |
Peter Fitchat (Chief Executive Officer) |
Ordinary Council Meeting |
Item 10.5.1 - CEO Performance criteria KPI’s timeline adjustment. |
Financial - CEO Performance Review, Continuation of my contract and relocate benefits. |
16/08/2022 |
Cr VL Wyatt |
Ordinary Council Meeting |
Item 10.2.3 - Elected Member Community Projects Policy |
Impartiality |
28/07/2022 |
Pania Turner (Manager of Corporate and Community Services) |
Ordinary Council Meeting |
Item 8.1.2 - WALGA - Cr Bonza/Cr Patupis |
Impartiality |